European Utility Week
3-5 October 2017
From 3 to 5 october the European Utility Week will take place in Amsterdam. It is the most anticipated event of the year for all gas, water and energy service companies. The international exhibition is an important point of reference for finding innovative technologies and solutions that can meet the increasingly complex needs of the various sectors of the utilities world. FAST will be present and, together with its partner Advanced Microturbines, invites you to visit Stand 5Q30 in which the innovative energy harvesting solution for the production of energy in gas networks will be presented. The Microturbine is an energy harvesting system, ATEX certified, which takes advantage of the energy of an air or gas pressure leap. This energy is captured by the Microturbine and transformed into electricity. One of the typical applications is the insertion of the Microturbine in parallel with pressure reducing valves. In this context, part of the flow of process gas expands into Microturbine which drives the generator with the consequent production of electricity without any gas consumption.