Fedrigoni announces an important expansion of the water treatment plant at its Verona mill
Waste water purification is a vital aspect of work in a paper mill, since water is the principal resource used in all the manufacturing processes.
The project for expanding the water treatment plant at the Fedrigoni mill in Verona is aimed at reducing the organic load (COD levels) in the waste water from the paper mill.
COD (chemical oxygen demand) levels are measured in terms of milligrams of oxygen per litre, and indicate the amount of oxygen needed to oxidise both organic and non-organic compounds in waste water.
This test therefore shows the level to which the water is polluted by oxidisable substances.
To enable this, the chemical-physical treatment unit was improved by adding a biological process based on the MBBR (Moving Biological Bed Reactor) system, and the various processing areas involved also required changes in design (the clariflocculation, flotation, finishing sections, etc.).
The project was executed by Suez Water Technologies and Solutions Italy, while the Fast Group provided the automation system, a task which included:
- the design and wiring of the electrical supply and control panel
- the configuration of the application control software
- assistance with commissioning
The critical issue with this work lay in the fact that there was not enough space inside the mill to house the electrical panel. The Fast Group managed to resolve this problem by using some highly specialist solutions in tandem with well-established technical devices (remote I/O systems, inverters connected via bus base modules, etc.), including the introduction of a complex horseshoe-shaped cabinet.
The collaboration between the Fast Group and Suez has always been characterised by the use of transversal skills, creativity, teamwork and professionalism: attributes that were harnessed in this case to help improve water quality.